Walking With Us

The Types Of Activities We Organise

Day walks – These are held mid week and on Saturdays and Sundays. We visit a wide range of areas adjacent to Melbourne including the Dandenongs, the forests around Healesville and Marysville, the Brisbane Ranges, Werribee and Lerderderg gorges and the Mornington Peninsula. We walk through forests, along beaches and on rail trails. There are also urban walks, often along creek trails or in places of historical interest. There is usually the opportunity to socialise over a coffee at the end of the walk.

Base camps – Walkers stay at a caravan park, campsite or other accommodation such as a ski lodge and go out on a series of day walks. On a larger base camp, more than one walk may be offered each day, giving participants a choice of grade to match their ability. Each day usually culminates in a “happy hour” giving walkers an opportunity to socialise, share stories, and hear about the next day’s activities. Recent base camps have been held at Falls Creek, Mt. Hotham, the Grampians, the Surf Coast, Wilsons Prom. and a number of other localities.

Pack carries – These involve carrying a pack with provisions and camping gear for one or more nights and are generally considered a little more challenging, but with great rewards. Members have walked the Larapinta Trail, the Bibbulmun Track and other areas closer to home.

Bike rides – A number of our members enjoy cycling and occasionally a leader will offer the opportunity to go out on a ride for the day.

Social events – Almost every day walk ends with refreshments at a local cafe. While walk participants can opt out, it is a very popular part of each day and provides walkers with an opportunity to discuss the days activity and socialise. On special occasions, the club also organises other social events.

First Aid training – We provide a least one First Aid training course a year so that our members are well versed in what to do in the event of an accident.

Leadership training – We provide leadership training for those members who would like to lead walks and everyone is encouraged to do so. Training will include navigation, selecting walks and emergency management.

How Do I Register (Book) On A Walk?

Every member and visitor is required to register on a walk. This is part of our safety regime, and enables us to manage the number of participants on a walk, which is normally around 20-24 walkers. This keeps the group manageable for our leaders.

Visitors (non-members) are asked to contact the Membership Secretary who can guide them through the process of selecting a suitable walk and connecting them with the leader for that walk.

Members register on a walk online using the OnTrax website.

For more information see ‘Register to Walk’ in the menu, or click here.